Υποτροφίες Τσεχίας για Θερινά Προγράμματα Σλαβικών Σπουδών



Email: foitmer.yp(ΣΤΟ)

 ΘΕΜΑ: « ΤΣΕΧΙΑ : Χορήγηση υποτροφιών για θερινά προγράμματα σλαβικών σπουδών 2025».

Διά του παρόντος ανακοινώνεται ότι η Κυβέρνηση της Δημοκρατίας της Τσεχίας χορηγεί υποτροφίες για θερινά μαθήματα Σλαβικών σπουδών για το ακαδημαϊκό έτος 2024-2025 σε Έλληνες πολίτες, στο πλαίσιο διμερών προγραμμάτων Μορφωτικών Ανταλλαγών.

Συγκεκριμένα η Τσεχική πλευρά προσφέρει τρεις (03) υποτροφίες: 1) μία (01) στο Charles University (Faculty of Arts) στην Πράγα, 2) μία (01) στο Masaryk University (Faculty of Arts) στο Brno και 3) μία (01) στο Palacky University (Faculty of Arts) στο Olomouc.

Οι αιτήσεις με τα απαιτούμενα δικαιολογητικά υποβάλλονται ταχυδρομικά έως και την Τετάρτη 12 Μαρτίου 2025 (σφραγίδα ταχυδρομείου) στο Υπουργείο Παιδείας, Θρησκευμάτων και Αθλητισμού, Ανδρέα Παπανδρέου 37, Τ.Κ. 151 80 Μαρούσι, Γενική Δ/νση Ανώτατης Εκπαίδευσης, Δ/νση Οργανωτικής και Ακαδημαϊκής Ανάπτυξης, Τμήμα Δ΄ Φοιτητικών Θεμάτων και Υποτροφιών.

Αίτηση και σχετικές πληροφορίες παρέχονται στα επισυναπτόμενα έγγραφα.


Detailed information on scholarships for Greek citizens to participate in the Summer Schools of Slavonic Studies in the Czech Republic in 2025 and Instructions how to apply

Three (3) scholarships will be granted for Greek citizens to participate in the Summer Schools of Slavonic Studies in the Czech Republic in 2025, in compliance with Article 5b) of the Programme of Educational and Cultural Co-operation between the Government of the Czech Republic and the Government of the Hellenic Republic.

Detailed information about the Summer Schools of Slavonic Studies (SSSS) and the application form are available on the website of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS)

A) One scholarship has been assigned for the Summer School of Slavonic Languages at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague - the course will be held from 17 July – 14 August 2025, detailed information can be found on: LŠSS onsite | LSSS (

B) The second scholarship has been assigned for the Summer School of Slavonic Studies at the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University in Brno - the course will be held from 26 July – 23 August 2025, detailed information can be found on: Summer School of Slavonic (Czech) Studies | Department of Czech for Foreigners (

C) The third scholarship has been assigned for the Summer School of Slavonic Studies at the Faculty of Arts of Palacký University in Olomouc - the course will be held from 12 July – 10 August 2025, detailed information can be found on: LSSS (

Greek citizens can apply only for the courses organized at the three aforementioned universities. Only those who will have completed 18 years on the 1st day of the course can apply.

The scholarship covers registration and tuition fees, study materials, board and lodging (accommodation is provided in student dormitories), trips and events organised by the summer school concerned.

A two-step screening and selection procedure is applied to assess applications for the summer school scholarships provided by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.

1. During the first stage the applicants are required to file their completed application forms for the summer school scholarships and other documents, if they are required, with the Ministry of relevant institutions accepting applications in the eligible countries, which then select the nominees for scholarship awards. Applications can also be downloaded from the webpage of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic:

Please, make sure that the correct university assigned for applicants from Greece (see above) have been chosen and indicated in the application form.

A CV written in Czech or English must be attached to the completed application form. The institutions receiving applications may also require other documents (e.g. a letter of motivation, language certificate(s) etc.).

The application includes also a statement that the applicant is able to participate in the entire period of the SSSS course concerned.

2. The second stage is organized by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and the relevant Czech universities. The nominees are obliged to register themselves in the online registration system and submit an online scholarship application. All required documents must be submitted in PDF format. The online applications of registered nominees are assessed within the system by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and the relevant Czech universities.

It is necessary to submit also applications of potential alternates - the number of potential alternates might be twice as much as the official candidates are.

The selection of candidates for scholarship awards falls within the terms of reference of the relevant Embassy of the Czech Republic. The MEYS fully respects the nomination and does not perform any further selection. Please inform the applicants of the results.

The SSSS registration portal will be open from 15 March 2025 till 31 March 2025, therefore, it is essential that the Embassy of the Czech Republic receive the list of nominees by 25 March 2025.

Letters of acceptance will be delivered by the respective school directly to the contact addresses of the accepted candidates. It is absolutely necessary that having received a letter of acceptance accepted candidates will immediately confirm by e-mail and also by a letter to the respective school whether they will participate or not.

In case some of the officially nominated and accepted candidates cannot eventually attend the course and withdraw, these candidates are kindly asked to inform immediately the Department of International Relations of the Ministry of the Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic on the fact to the following e-mail address: Αυτή η διεύθυνση Email προστατεύεται από τους αυτοματισμούς αποστολέων ανεπιθύμητων μηνυμάτων. Χρειάζεται να ενεργοποιήσετε τη JavaScript για να μπορέσετε να τη δείτε.. These candidates are asked to inform without any delay also the respective summer school they will have been accepted to in order the school could invite an alternate candidate to participate in the course.


Health insurance is NOT included in the scholarship. It is strongly recommended that successful candidates arrange their travel health insurance for the entire period of their visit to the Czech Republic. More information can be provided by the Czech Embassy in the candidate's country of residence or country of origin. Medical care for EU/EEA citizens, who are properly insured in their home countries, is provided in compliance with the European Parliament and Council (EC) Regulation No. 883/2004, as last amended, and its implementing Regulation No. 987/2009, as amended by Regulation No. 465/2012 - detailed information is available on the website of the Health Insurance Bureau. Please note that the expenses for repatriation are not covered by the provisions of the aforementioned European Regulations, and it is therefore advisable to obtain an insurance policy to this end even if you come from an EU/EEA country. Neither the MEYS nor the universities organizing the SSSS bear any responsibility or liability for any health care costs or repatriation costs that may be incurred by the scholarship-holders during or as a result of their visit to the Czech Republic.

Apart from candidates nominated officially as scholarship applicants by the Greek authorities under the principle of reciprocity, other citizens are also encouraged to apply for the summer school courses - these apply directly to the respective schools and cover the course expenses themselves. The Embassy of the Czech Republic encloses short information about all Summer Courses of Slavonic Studies that will take place in the Czech Republic in the year 2023, including the appropriate contact details. Detailed information on the courses and the instructions how to apply, including application forms, can be found on the referred official sites of the respective Universities as well as on the official site of the Ministry of the Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic under:

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